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Grant &Teresa

December Act of Kindness

December Act of Kindness

As I rushed to the post office today with an armful of Christmas packages to mail, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to seal one of my packages with tape. My mistake. When I asked one of the post office employees if I could have a piece of tape for my present, he responded dryly that the tape he has does not work very well and the "recommends purchasing" a roll of duct tape they were selling for $4.

Not to be picky, but I think that the post office should, at the very least, offer a free piece of tape to customers. I mean, we do pay taxes. A little tape in exchange would be nice. Because of the long line behind me, I decided not to argue and to buy the tape reluctantly. Before I could do so, the lady behind me offered to let me use her roll of tape. "No sense in buying a whole roll!," she chirped cheerfully. I gratefully accepted and she was very gracious about it. It's nice to know that there are still kind people out there.
The Girl You Should Date

The Girl You Should Date

It's my (ex) boyfriend, Ryan

It's my (ex) boyfriend, Ryan