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Grant &Teresa

Resolutions check in

So here I am, one month and one day after making my New Year's Resolutions and I'm going to check my progress. Come to think of it, I can't even remember most of them. Hold on, let me click back to my old post...[insert instrumental version of Mandy or any other elevator music that they play when people put you on hold]...Just in case you want to click with me: New Year's Resolutions 2009.

And we're back. Ok.
  • Give up coffee and soda- So I've actually been pretty good staying away from soda and coffee. I'm mostly into water and ice tea now. 
  • Keep blog updated- Isn't that what I'm doing now?
  • Go to the gym every week- Actually I've been going twice a week for the past couple of weeks. Yay!
  • Get an internship- Um. Still working on it.
  • Learn how to drive a stick- Definitely NOT learning this in the city.
  • Learn yoga- I'm taking a weekly class right now! All I need to do is buy my own yoga mat.
  • Cross things off my  "Things to do before I push up daisies" list- I haven't crossed anything off in a while, but hey. It's only February.
I'm actually doing better than I thought. Four out of seven's not bad at all.  Now that I'm feeling lucky, I think I'll add a few things.

  • Dance at least once a day. To save myself some public embarassment, this resolution probably means cranking up my iTunes in my room and dancing around like crazy with the door shut and the blinds closed.
  • Talk to someone I don't already know at least once a day. I think of myself as a shy person, but little by little I'm trying to be a little more outgoing. This might mean complimenting a stranger on her tote bag or cracking a joke about cafeteria food to someone while we stand in line to pay for lunch.
  • Replace M&Ms with grapes and ice cream with fruit yogurt.
  • Read something for fun for at least half an hour before I go to bed. It's taking me around two months to read Wuthering Heights. That's pretty pathetic because it's not long at all and I'm really enjoying the story. I probably read a couple of pages a day, at best. I think I'm wasting too much time on Facebook and Youtube. Yup. Gotta change that.
Well, that's it for now. I'll probably think of a few more later or maybe modify the ones I have...We'll see.

If I had easy access to a helicopter, I'd fly to Catalina Island this weekend

Random Conversations: Third graders on a bus